Earning The OSCE3

Earning The OSCE3

In this blog post, I will be summarising my journey towards the OSCE3 certification from Offsec. Approximately a week after I finished the OSED exam, I got the confirmation from Offsec that I’d finally completed the OSCE3: Timeline My OSCE3 journey took me just over three years of on and off studying; I completed the…

OffSec Exploit Developer (OSED) Review

OffSec Exploit Developer (OSED) Review

In this blog post, I summarise my experience taking the Offsec Exploit Developer (OSED) course, including required knowledge, the exam, and my personal highlights. Overview The EXP-301 course, aka "Windows User Mode Exploit Development" (WUMED) is the last of Offsec’s revamped Offensive Security Certified Expert (OSCE3) courses, and was released to refresh the low level…

OffSec macOS Researcher (OSMR) Review

OffSec macOS Researcher (OSMR) Review

In this blog post, I summarise my experience taking the Offensive Security macOS Researcher (OSMR) course, including the main course content, study approach, and key takeaways. Overview EXP-312 is Offsec’s latest exploit development course which teaches you how to find and exploit logic flaws in the macOS operating system. Since the original release of the…

SLAE32 Assignment #5: MSFvenom Shellcode Analysis

SLAE32 Assignment #5: MSFvenom Shellcode Analysis

In this blog post, we will be covering our process behind reverse engineering and understanding popular shellcode payloads maintained in the payload module of the Metasploit project, MSFvenom. As this blog series is based on x86 Linux, this post will focus on payloads supporting this architecture and platform. This post is the fifth entry in…

SLAE32 Assignment #3: Egg Hunter Shellcode

SLAE32 Assignment #3: Egg Hunter Shellcode

In this blog post, we will be covering our process behind understanding and implementing egg hunter shellcode for x86 Linux in assembly. This post follows on in the series of posts created for the SLAE32 certification course provided by Pentester Academy. Overview During exploit development, one of the key contraints separating a successful exploit from…
